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Ryan Botezatu

Age: 32

Location: California, USA

Job: E-Commerce Specialist

"Don’t Wait for Opportunity, Create it"


Ryan Botezatu is 32 years old E-commerce specialists who mananges any developments and maintenance for online websites. He develops new marketing programes based on business analytics, create, monitor, write and revise product content on the site and implement SEO programmes, pricing policies and industry trends. Additional responsibiliteis for his role may involve adding standards and guidelines for content creation, distribution, regular maintenance and new product listings. He uses different types of metrics in this role, including sales conversion rates, bounce rate, number of pages visited and customer acquisition cost.


Within the next six months, Ryan wants to improve and implement a comprehensive online marketing programme that will increase the company's online appearance and market knowledge of its product by 25%. This will be gained through a combination of targeted digital advertising, social media marketing, search engine optimisation, content marketing, and email marketing campaigns that will capture potential customers and drive them to the platform of company's e-commerce. Regular tracking and analysis of the metrics will be managed to measure programmes's success and identify opportunities for development.


  • It can be difficult to differentiate oneself from other competitors in the market.
  • Working with a limited budget.
  • Practices require ongoing education and training.
  • Collecting data can be overwhelming and time-consuming.
  • Diffecult to deal with customer complaints, returns and other issues.

Dream Companies

  • Adobe Commerce
  • Amazon
  • Shopify


  • Effective communicator
  • Critical thinker
  • Adaptable