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Profile Picture

Frank Taylor

Age: 29

Location: London, UK

Job: UI/UX Designer

"Style that makes a statement, design that stands the test of time."


Frank is a 29-year-old UI/UX designer who loves to express his unique sense of style through his clothing. He values high-quality fabrics, unique designs, and attention to detail. Frank likes to stay up-to-date with the latest fashion trends and is always experimenting with different styles and colors. He enjoys shopping from brands that offer a wide variety of styles and sizes, and values inclusivity and diversity. As a designer, Frank appreciates clothes that allow him to move around freely and express himself creatively. He is always looking for new and innovative clothing designs that will set him apart from the crowd.


Frank is motivated to use his ideas to provide distinctive and memorable brand experiences. He prefers to work on initiatives that enable him to demonstrate his ingenuity and realise his ideas. Frank is constantly seeking for fresh possibilities and challenges to stretch his limits and advance as a designer. He looks for opportunities to work together with other creatives and establish a network of people who share his enthusiasm for design. Frank is inspired by the chance to improve people's lives via his job and aspires to one day establish a company that is renowned and respected for its originality and ingenuity.


  • Being limited in creativity by workplace
  • Having tight deadlines
  • Lack of feedback on the work
  • Project changes in the middle of the job

Dream Companies

  • Adobe
  • Autodesk
  • IBM


  • Creative
  • Self-motivated
  • Detail-oriented